Claudio Marchisio wrote a touching message for Gianluigi Buffon ahead of his last Juventus game. “The way you loved our colours will remain inspirational for generations.”

The captain will salute supporters at the Juventus Stadium against Verona and has not yet decided if he’ll retire or go abroad for a new experience at the age of 40.

“Dear Gigi, the images of your Press conference continue to scroll by on the screens. Every time, despite the fact I know how it ends, I hope for a different epilogue,” wrote Marchisio on Instagram.

Claudio Marchisio wrote a touching message for Gianluigi Buffon ahead of his last Juventus game. “The way you loved our colours will remain inspirational for generations.”

The captain will salute supporters at the Juventus Stadium against Verona and has not yet decided if he’ll retire or go abroad for a new experience at the age of 40.

“Dear Gigi, the images of your Press conference continue to scroll by on the screens. Every time, despite the fact I know how it ends, I hope for a different epilogue,” wrote Marchisio on Instagram.

“When you arrived, I was little more than a child with many dreams and clear ideas, knowing well the value of carrying the bag for those who were bigger than me.

“From the start you, Alex (Del Piero), Pavel (Nedved), Mauro (Camoranesi) and David (Trezeguet) set the example and taught me what it means to wear the Bianconeri jersey. With her you stepped down into Hell and with the tenacity of those who never give up, you took her back to Paradise.

“Following you every day, I understood the player I wanted to be and the values that would accompany my life as a man.

“Everyone in life meets people who they receive far more from than they can ever give back, and you are one of those figures for me.

“Your words were always on point, but at times you just needed a glance. The same glance that today I’ll meet for the last time in the locker room.

“The way you loved our colours will remain inspirational for entire generations.

“The latest replay of your Press conference just concluded. No good, it’s always the same ending…”


Caro Gigi, le immagini della tua conferenza stampa continuano a scorrere sugli schermi. Ogni volta, nonostante conosca già il finale, spero in un epilogo diverso. Quando sei arrivato ero poco più che un ragazzino con molti sogni e le idee chiare, conoscevo bene il valore di portare il borsone a quelli più grandi di me. Fin da subito Tu, Alex, Pavel, Mauro e David con il vostro esempio mi avete insegnato cosa significa indossare la maglia bianconera, con lei siete scesi all’inferno e, con la tenacia di chi non molla mai, l’avete riportata in paradiso. Seguendovi ogni giorno ho capito il calciatore che avrei voluto essere e i valori che mi avrebbero contraddistinto come uomo. Ognuno di noi nella vita incontra delle persone da cui riceve molto di più di quanto possa mai restituire loro, tu per me sei una di quelle. Le tue parole hanno sempre colto nel segno, ma spesso bastava anche solo un tuo sguardo. Lo stesso sguardo che oggi per l’ultima volta incrocerò negli spogliatoi. Il modo in cui hai amato la nostra maglia rimarrà fonte di ispirazioni per intere generazioni. Si è appena conclusa l’ennesima replica della tua conferenza stampa, niente da fare, sempre lo stesso finale… #UN1CO #Buffon

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